Today chronic diseases are at an all-time high, and those suffering want answers and real overall health solutions. Conventional medicine uses a standardized approach to treating symptoms. Getting another medication to mask the symptoms and make you feel good for a few minutes is not the answer most want.
This is where Dr. Jamie and her study of functional medicine can help you. Functional medicine is a personalized medicine approach to your healthcare and puts you ahead of the disease. If you need a functional medicine doctor in the Orange County, FL area, we can help!
How Does Functional Medicine Work?
When it comes to the functional medical approach, you are out front and center. You are seen as a whole, mind-body, and soul. Dr. Jamie will not ask you what the problem is; instead, she will ask why you have developed this problem and how she can help you be restored with minimal intervention and natural therapies.
The functional medical approach uses targeted lab tests and a look at your lifestyle, diet, and genetics to develop a solution. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution in functional medicine. The key to finding the root cause of your issues is a doctor-patient relationship that cares about you, not just a symptom.
Dr. Jamie will work with you to connect the dots of your symptoms and get you an individual treatment plan to get you on the way to a more healthy lifestyle. She will continue seeing you track your progress and change your plan as needed.
Functional Approach in California
Our office is located in Whittier, CA, but we are also happy to serve patients in Orange County. Located in Southern California we are known for Anaheim’s Disneyland Resort, Newport Beach, and Laguna Beach. Orange County is about 25 miles from Whittier and a short drive to our office. Dr. Jamie is proud to serve patients from Southern California and all the surrounding counties.
Call For An Appointment
If you are in the Whittier area and are looking for a functional medicine doctor, we would love to have you. Dr. Jamie specializes in treating many chronic illnesses, including immune function, gut health, detox, and weight loss. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.