If you have been looking for a functional medicine doctor in the San Pedro area, Dr. Jaime is who you should see. She specializes in this type of medicine which caters to your whole body and not just the symptoms.
Functional Medicine in San Pedro
With chronic pain and illness at an all-time high conventional medicine seems to be just treating symptom after symptom. The services offered by Dr. Jaime gets to the root of the medical issues. With her experience in acupuncture, yoga instruction, nutrition and massage therapy she has been able to help patients heal in new ways.
Functional Medicine Doctor Servicing San Pedro, CA
Looking for care from an experienced doctor in the field of functional medicine will benefit your mind, body and soul. Dr. Jaime gladly serves the people in the San Pedro area of L.A. county and surrounding areas. The office is located in Whittier, CA and is a 20 mile trip for most patients.
Functional Medicine Heals
With more and more people within communities experiencing medical conditions and seeking treatments the use of unconventional medicine has become more sought out. These forms of holistic care takes the whole person into consideration.
On your very first appointment you will receive a complete and thorough medical history work up. This included extensive questioning about not only your medical history but also your lifestyle, the environment you live in among other factors. Getting to the root cause of your illnesses and issues is priority for healing.
Functional Medicine Commonly Asked Questions
With functional medicine being a fairly new concept for treatment for most we have some common questions that you may be asking.
What Is The Purpose Of Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is generally for those who are seeking different ways to treat their illnesses. Patient appointments are usually longer than traditional medical appointments, more time is spent with each patient so that the best possible plan can be made to better help the person. This type of medical practice serves those with chronic illness as well.
What Does A Holistic Doctor Do?
Doctors such as Dr. Jaime who are practicing holistic doctors serve the patient. They work hand in hand to come up with a personalized treatment plan. These plans can include things such as acupuncture, exercise regime, stress management techniques and so much more.
What Other Alternative Practices are Used?
Integrative medicine can also be used. This practice focuses on the whole person. This includes your mind, body and soul. Alternative medicine are forms of treatment that are not typical in a hospital setting. Functional medicine gets down to the root cause of issues and illnesses so that you can heal your mind, body and soul, not just symptoms.
Make Your Appointment Today
Contact us today for your first appointment and start your journey with Dr. Jaime. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you!